
Sunday, July 3, 2011

What is Google Plus?

At last, Google has made a serious comeback in it social networking yard and it can be a party spoiler for facebook. It is a much awaited reply from the search engine giant to facebook.  It’s the super top-secret social project that Google has been working on for the past year.  It seems to be Google has putted everything on the line to win this race and tell its competitor that the game is not finished yet. Apart from that, Google knows that it biggest competitor has a status of 700 Million plus following, Photo & Video Sharing, Chat, Groups & Fan Pages in the social market. So, what Google did is, it looked into what led to their failure with the previous experiments and what led to their competitor’s success and then built a product on the competitor’s weaknesses combined with its own strengths.

Google Plus really is a mixture of Facebook and Twitter. When you first get access to it, you’ll notice that the Circles feature allows you to categorize your connections to meaningful groups. I recommend everyone to set this up well as it will define your activity on Google Plus.You’re given default Circles however, you can create new ones. With Circles, you can push messages out only to the people who you intend it to go to and if you want to share it with everyone, just mark the update as ‘Public’. This way, you can stick to sharing stuff only with your friends the Facebook way or share public-ly the Twitter way. You can send messages out just text, images, links or even location. Choose whom you want the update to go to and boom. 
In short, It’s Google + Facebook + Twitter clone, with better groups, more private messaging and video chat, along with the promise of social gaming and much more to come, but it has only ‘sort-of’ arrived.

What is Google +1?

Google +1 is Google’s answer to the Facebook “like” button. If you find the search result useful or just enjoy the linked site, you hit the +1 icon. Google says by +1-ing a result you're giving it a recommendation, a stamp of approval. More +1's on a result means the site is more interesting.

Google+ has the capability to attract, it’s magnetic but it clearly not a Facebook destroyer. A lot of people seem to think that Google Plus is the new Facebook with additional features. Although, by first look, this social networking site is giving me a very impressive look, but replacing facebook is surely not a easy task to do. If team Google is really aiming to rebuild its empire in social networking market, then they have a need to add some more feature to their product for enhancing its capability. Indeed, nothing is wrong with facebook, if anyone wants to stick with facebook then he can because it is providing most of the features which google is promising to provide. And above them all, leaving your old account just because of some new features is not a easy task to do, until and unless you get a complete new platform to work upon. So at last, I don’t think facebook have any major threat with google plus, at least not in the near future.

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Sunday, June 5, 2011

What is Cell Phone Radiation?

Radiation is energy travelling through space in the form of waves or particles. There are several different types of radiation present in our surroundings on a day to day basis. Ionizing and Non – Ionizing are the two types of radiation. As per studies, Ionizing radiation is very harmful to human body because Ionizing rays from x-rays and nuclear energy has been proven to cause cancer. Whereas, In mobile phones Non – Ionizing radiation has been used and it doesn't have any negative effect on human bodies. But the speed at which the technology is growing our studies are not. So, what happen is, it has created doubt in many minds that, does this type of radiation is really safe for human health.

Cell Phone Radiation is a Myth or a serious threat to think about:

As I told you in upper section, there are two type of radiation Ionizing and Non – Ionizing. Ionizing radiation may cause serious threat to human beings because exposure to this type of radiation causes cells and genetic matter to mutate or change form. This can lead to various types of cancer, affecting the thyroid, breast, bladder, colon, liver, lung, esophagus, ovaries and stomach.

But there is nothing to worry about because the type of radiation which our cell phone emits is Non – Ionizing, which means it doesn't do much to human beings ( As per evidence says ). Even then many studies say that it may cause serious problem if we spend a good amount of time with our cell phones, so, the question which arises here is: -

  1.           What amount of time a man have to spend every day to become a victim of this radiation.

     2.  Suppose that the daily time limit for using a cell phone is 30 min, means if a person is using a cell phone for 30 min daily, then he will become a victim of radiation. But the question which arise here is what is the minimum period (days) to become a victim to this type of radiation. Means if I am using my cell phone for 30 min daily, then to how many days or years I have to sustain this thing to be a victim of radiation.

    3.  Suppose that, I am affected by radiation, then the big question which arises here is, by which disease I would suffer ( Tumours ,Memory impairment, Cancer, Brain damage, Foetal damage ). There is no clear evidence for any of them.

    What should we do?
    There is no need to get afraid from this type of radiation because no one have a clear evidence. Many studies says it may effect human brain, memory etc... but there is no clear proof. And most importantly, many of these studies were conducted in Europe and was held nearby 2004. One thing which I want to make clear is the technology or the mobile signals which works in Europe, is very much different from India or any other country.  Another thing is that, the technology which were in use at that time, was much older then what we use today. Since 2004, mobile market and technology have been very much changed and it has pulled the user mobility experience to the next level. Now days mobile phones are much cheaper, powerful, user friendly, and eco-friendly as well. Even then, if some studies are showing this type of stuff, then what we need to do is, to take some precautionary measures because at the end of the day it is for our betterment and safety. But don't take it to seriously because if there is something found wrong in it, your country government will address you.     

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

History of Facebook

Facebook was founded by former-Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg (while at Harvard) who ran it as one of his hobby projects with some financial help from Eduardo Saverin. Within months, Facebook and its core idea spread across the dorm rooms of Harvard where it was very well received. Soon enough, it was extended to Stanford and Yale where, like Harvard, it was widely endorsed.

Before he knew it, Mark Zuckerberg was joined by two other fellow Harvard-students – Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes – to help him grow the site to the next level. Only months later when it was officially a national student network phenomenon, Zuckerberg and Moskovitz dropped out of Harvard to pursue their dreams and run Facebook full time.

But Zuckerberg needed help to grow his little social networking site that could. He would not stop until The Facebook had been installed on all university campuses in America. In September 2004, they secured venture capital from PayPal founder Peter Thiel. The $500,000 investment was a start, but Zuckerberg and friends had big plans for The Facebook. Seeing the potential value in The Facebook, Jim Breyer and Accel Partners ponied up $12.7 million to assist Zuckerberg in the expansion of his virtual empire.

So by October 2004, Zuckerberg had the money, the manpower, and the institutional backing to go global. Betatesting continued on within the American University population for the next year, and in August 2005, The Facebook dropped the “The” and was registered for $200,000. The network opened up, and within months anyone with a valid institutional email address from over 30,000 organizations across the planet were eligible for membership, including high school students, government employees and the corporate community.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

History of Google

Google, the leading search engine worldwide, was founded in 1998 by Stanford University graduate students Larry Page and Sergei Brin. Page and Brin had been working together on a search engine they called "BackRub" since early 1996, but with the encouragement of Yahoo! co-founder David Filo, they decided to start a company in 1998 and went looking for investors to back them. Google, Inc. was established on September 7, 1998. The founders hired Craig Silverstein - who was later to become Director of Technology - as their first employee, and started the business in a friend's garage.

In August 1998, thanks to David Cheriton, a Stanford professor, Page and Brin meet Andy Bechtolsheim, founder of Sun Microsystem and working at Cisco.

After an hour, he makes a $100,000 check to “Google Inc.” without knowing the company does not exist yet.  Andy was one of the few to see true potential of what these boys had created. During their presentation to him, Andy said he had to duck out for another meeting and offered to write them a check. The check was for $100,000 and that indeed had got things moving for them. 

In October 1998, Page and Brin convinced a friend to rent a Garage and spare room for $1700/month. They quickly added 8 phone lines, a cable modem and a DSL line. After two months, they were 8 people and they moved again in February 1999. From a first office in a garage good for small team, they moved to 165 University Ave. in Palo Alto after 5 months This is the home of many other startups including Logitech and Paypal.
In September the boys moved into the their workspace in Susan Wojcicki’s garage at 232 Santa Margarita, Menlo Park, CA. They then went on to file for incorporation in California on September 4 1998.  Shortly after completing this important task, the boys went an opened a bank account in the name of Google Inc., their newly established company, and deposited the $100,000 dollar check Andy Bechtolsheim had given them. Shortly after they have established there new business they began hiring employees. There first one was Craig Silverstein, a fellow grad student from Stanford as well.

 Early in 1999 they struck a deal with Sequoia Capitaland Kleiner Perkins for $25 million. In November 1999 Charlie Ayers joined Google as the company’s first  chef.  In April of 2000. Google announced the MentalPlex program, which envisages the software’s ability to read your mind as you visualize the search results you want. In June of 2000, Google partnered with Yahoo! to become their default search provider. Also in June they announced the first billion URL index, making Google become the world’s largest search engine. In September of 2000 they started offering searches in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean , bringing their total number of supported languages to 15. In December 2000 Google toolbar was released.

It is well known that it extremely difficult to keep on being innovative. Google has taken creative approaches: employees work in small teams (3ideally) and are free to use 20% of their working time personal projects that may become future Google Products. Google News, Froogle, Gmail have roots in this 20% time as well as Orkut.
And they do not seem to lose their humor.

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Friday, April 22, 2011

What is Nokia Symbian?

Symbian is an operating system (OS) and software platform designed for smartphones and currently maintained by Nokia.  Symbian OS has been used by a number of companies (totaling 400 million units and still making up 40% of the smart phone market) among which Sony, Ericsson (and later Sony-Ericsson), Siemens, Fujitsu, Mitsubishi, Sharp, Samsung, Nokia and a few more.
as opposed to Maemo/MeeGo and, to a lesser extent Android which are rather new software w/ still a few "baby illnesses", Symbian is a very mature platform with a proven usability and functionality record.


  • Psion founded by David Potter inn 1980 launched the Psion Organizer, the world's first volume-produced handheld computer in 1984.
  • In 1991, Psion introduces the EPOC OS (Electronic Piece Of Cheese, according to the legend).
  • In 1997, Psion Series 5 - the first EPOC32 (32-bit) palmtop.
  • June 1998 - Symbian is established as a private independent company and is owned by Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola and Psion. From this point onwards has EPOC OS been called Symbian OS.
  • 2000
    • September - Symbian ships Version 6 of its software platform to licensees.
    • November - The world's first Symbian OS phone, the Ericsson R380 Smartphone, ships.
  • 2001
    • June - The world's first open Symbian OS phone became available - the Nokia 9210 Communicator.
    • November
      • Nokia introduces the Series 60 - a licensable UI for Symbian.
      • The first 2.5G Symbian OS phone, the Nokia 7650, is announced. The 7650 is the first mass-market Symbian phone and it is based on the Nokia series 60 reference design.
  • 2002
    • February - Symbian announces UIQ user interface application for Symbian OS.
    • October - Samsung licenses Symbian OS for smartphones. World’s top five mobile phone manufacturers now Symbian OS licensees.
    • December - Fujitsu has completed development of a Symbian OS smartphone for NTT DoCoMo's FOMA 3G network - The F2051.
  • 2003
    • April - Symbian launches Symbian OS v7.0s at Exposium03.
    • October - Nokia announces the first "Media" phone, the TV-enabled 7700, based on the new "Series 90".
  • 2004
    • February - Symbian OS v8.0 is announced.
    • March - Symbian leads smartphone market.
  • February 2005 - Symbian OS v9 is announced.
  • 2006
    • May - 100th commercial phone model ships.
    • November - 100 million Symbian smartphones shipped.


1.   Greater range of applications.
2.   High quality games.
3.   Better inbuit wap browser.
4.   You can have pdf reader for your phone.
5.   Connectivity is lot more easier and faster.
6.   Real Player, Smart movie player etc sort of application are not available with java phones.
7.   You can download big files through your phone easily with 3G around.
8.   Unlike java phones they are prone to virus attack.


1.   Not suitable for phones with low RAM and slow processor (minimum requirements for good performance: 369 MHz processor, 70 MB RAM).
2.   More chances of viruses (but anti-virus applications are available).

Thursday, April 21, 2011

What is Samsung BADA?

Samsung bada is a smartphone platform , which is created for wide range of device, unveiled in 2010. “bada” is a Korean word that means “ocean” and “seashore”. “bada” in itself embodies the open possibilities of the ocean: it can accommodate the various applications created by developers and it provides an interesting new space that offers unprecedented enjoyment to its users. 

Samsung announced the Bada platform on 10 November 2009.
After the announcement, the Wave S8500 was first shown at Mobile World Congress 2010 in Barcelonain February 2010. At that time, applications running on the first Bada phone were demonstrated, including Gameloft's Asphalt 5.
After the launch, companies such as Twitter, EA, Capcom, Gameloft and Blockbuster showed their support for the Bada platform.
In May 2010 Samsung released a beta of their software development kit (SDK) for Bada to attract developers. In addition, Samsung started the Bada Developer Challenge with a total prize of $2,700,000 (USD). In August 2010 Samsung released version 1.0 of the SDK.
The first Bada-based phone was the Samsung Wave S8500, released on June 1, 2010, which sold one million handsets in its first 4 weeks on the market.

Bada Versions
The Samsung S8500 Wave was launched with version 1.0 of the Bada operating system. Soon after the launch, Samsung released version 1.0.2, which included minor fixes for European users. It will be available for the rest of the world in the near future.  The latest version 1.2 was released with the Samsung S8530 Wave II phone.  The alpha-version of Bada 2.0 was introduced on February 15, 2011. Bada development is done using C++ with the Bada SDK and associated Eclipse-based IDE, both of which can be downloaded from the Bada Developers' site.

1. Open source
2. Dev has freedom to make apps in c++ , flash,web runtime widgets
3. flash support
4. Number of apps is increasing.
5. Bada Os Based Mobile are cheap
6. The sets having Bada has High end procc (Wave: 1Ghz)
7. Samsung touch UI
8. Support Of many Companies (Game loft etc )

1. New OS Therefore more bugs (need some time for new OS to settle)
2. The external sensor API is not open-ended, preventing new types of sensors or unexpected technology developments from being added in the future.
3. Due to "performance and privacy issues", Bada applications cannot access the SMS/MMS inbox or receive incoming SMS/MMS notifications.
4. The Bada application framework only allows one Bada application to run at a time. Multitasking applications is possible between the native applications and one Bada application.

Future Prospects
I say Samsung has taken a very good step in making a New OS.

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

What is 2G (Second Generation) mobile Network?

2G refers to second generation wireless telecommunication technology. While its predecessor, 1G, made use of analog radio signals, 2G uses digital radio signals.
2G telecom networks were commercially launched in 1991 on the GSM standard in Finland. The 2G systems were found to be considerably more efficient on the spectrum, allowing far greater mobile phone penetration levels. Moreover, the phone conversations were digitally encrypted. Second generation technologies are either time division multiple access (TDMA) or code division multiple access (CDMA). TDMA allows for the division of signal into time slots. CDMA allocates each user a special code to communicate over a multiplex physical channel. Different TDMA technologies are GSM, PDC, iDEN, iS-136.CDMA technology is IS-95. GSM has its origin from the Group special Mobile, in Europe. GSM (Global system for mobile communication) is the most admired standard of all the mobile technologies. Although this technology originates from the Europe, but now it is used in more than 212 countries in the world. GSM technology was the first one to help establish international roaming. This enabled the mobile subscribers to use their mobile phone connections in many different countries of the world’s is based on digital signals ,unlike 1G technologies which were used to transfer analogue signals. GSM has enabled the users to make use of the short message services (SMS) to any mobile network at any time. SMS is a cheap and easy way to send a message to anyone, other than the voice call or conference. This technology is beneficial to both the network operators and the ultimate users at the same time.


  • Digital signals require consume less battery power, so it helps mobile batteries to last long
  •  Digital coding improves the voice clarity and reduces noise in the line.
  • Digital signals are considered environment friendly.
  • The use of digital data service assists mobile network operators to introduce short message service over the cellular phones. Digital encryption has provided secrecy and safety to the data and voice calls.
  •  The use of 2G technology requires strong digital signals to help mobile phones work. If there is no network coverage in any specific area, digital signals would be weak. 

  • Voice quality is not impressive if compare to Analog Signals
  • Making Clone of numbers is not possible, just like Analog.
  • Towers availability in the location is also a very important part of Digital Signals.
  • If the network is not so good then user may face call drop problems.
  • Data loss is also a major problem between the users because there is no dedicated path for data transfer.

Friday, April 15, 2011

First Generation Mobile Network (1st Generation)

The first generation of mobile telephony (written 1G) operated using analogue communications and portable devices that were relatively large. It used primarily the following standards. In the case of AMPS, the first 1G system to start operating in the USA (in July 1978), each channel was separated from the adjacent channels by a spacing of 30 kHz, which was not particularly efficient in terms of the available radio spectrum, and this placed a limitation on the number of calls that could be made at any one time. However, the system was a multiple access one, because a second caller could use the same channel, once the first caller had hung up. Such a system is called "frequency division multiple access" (FDMA).

The technological development that distinguished the First Generation mobile phones from the previous generation was the use of multiple cell sites, and the ability to transfer calls from one site to the next as the user travelled between cells during a conversation. The first commercially automated cellular network (the 1G generation) was launched in Japan by NTT in 1979. The initial launch network covered the full metropolitan area of Tokyo's over 20 million inhabitants with a cellular network of 23 base stations. Within five years, the NTT network had been expanded to cover the whole population of Japan and became the first nation-wide 1G network.

In 1984, Bell Labs developed modern commercial cellular technology (based, to a large extent, on the Gladden, Parelman Patent), which employed multiple, centrally controlled base stations (cell sites), each providing service to a small cell area. The sites were set up so that cells partially overlapped and different base stations operated using the same frequencies with little or no interference.
Vodafone made the UK's first mobile call at a few minutes past midnight on 1 January 1985.
The technology in these early networks was pushed to the limit to accommodate increasing usage. The base stations and the mobile phones utilised variable transmission power, which allowed range and cell size to vary. As the system expanded and neared capacity, the ability to reduce transmission power allowed new cells to be added, resulting in more, smaller cells and thus more capacity. The evidence of this growth can still be seen in the many older, tall cell site towers with no antennae on the upper parts of their towers. These sites originally created large cells, and so had their antennae mounted atop high towers; the towers were designed so that as the system expanded—and cell sizes shrank—the antennae could be lowered on their original masts to reduce range.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What is 3G?

3G refers to the third generation of mobile telephony (that is, cellular) technology. It comes with enhancements over previous wireless technologies, like high-speed transmission, advanced multimedia access and global roaming. 3G is mostly used with mobile phones and handsets as a means to connect the phone to the Internet or other IP networks in order to make voice and video calls, to download and upload data and to surf the net.

Advantages of 3G 

High Bandwidth

High bandwith---the measure of transmission capacity---is one of the selling points of 3G. This allows you quick and easy access to all of your favorite online multimedia and Internet tools, just like you were at home on a computer. You can pay bills, book dinner reservations, update social networking pages and check emails, all on-the-go. While the maximum bandwidth for a stationary 3G device---according to Silicon Press---is 2.05 megabytes (MB), when you are moving slowly (such as walking), this drops to 384 kilobytes (KB). When you and your device are moving at high speeds (such as in a car), the maximum bandwidth drops to 128 KB. However, Silicon Press notes that this is still 10 times faster than the maximum bandwidth of moving 2G devices.

Greater Speed

Using 3G tech, you get to appreciate data transmission speed of up to 2 megabytes per second, as long as you have your device in a fixed position. It also provides you high level of connectivity and greater networking, plus noise resistance. The technology has raised the bit rate, allowing service providers to give high speed Internet facilities, higher call volumes and host of the multimedia applications that may be given to their customers. All of the services may be given to the consumers based upon the data amount sent and not upon the time utilized for the service, therefore the service given to customers are cheaper overall.

Getting information

Getting information is one of the best feature of 3G technology. You can also watch the latest news and headlines, getting data like the weather, sports and economic details. You get to acquire the latest scores in an ongoing Cricket match and other favorite sports. The 3G cellular phones with the very advanced feature can feature highlights of popular sports and shows. The improved quality of services and speed of 3G phones can allow you to watch music videos and movie clips with crisp and clear photos, compared to 2.5G technology phones.

Power Usages

·         In addition to being more expensive, 3G handsets also require more power than most 2G models. This extra power requirement can translate to larger batteries, shortage usage periods between recharging and more bulky handsets overall.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What is Android?

Android is a Linux-based mobile phone operating system developed by Google. Android is unique because Google is actively developing the platform but giving it away for free to hardware manufacturers and phone carriers who want to use Android on their devices.

·         Application framework enabling reuse and replacement of components
·         Dalvik virtual machine optimized for mobile devices
·         Integrated browser based on the open source WebKit engine
·         Optimized graphics powered by a custom 2D graphics library; 3D graphics based on the OpenGL ES 1.0 specification (hardware acceleration optional)
·         SQLite for structured data storage
·         Media support for common audio, video, and still image formats (MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, PNG, GIF)
·         GSM Telephony (hardware dependent)
·         Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G, and WiFi (hardware dependent)
·         Camera, GPS, compass, and accelerometer (hardware dependent)
·         Rich development environment including a device emulator, tools for debugging, memory and performance profiling, and a plugin for the Eclipse IDE

What can an Android phone do?

Android phones are highly customisable and as such can be altered to suit your tastes and needs. You can check your Facebook and Twitter profiles through a variety of apps making it ideal for social networking. Through the calendar you can set reminders from your desktop or your phone and on the latest version of Android you can send links to and from your computer and vice versa.
Another neat feature of Android is that it automatically backs up your contacts for you. When you set up an Android phone you’ll need to create a Google Account or sign in with an existing one. Every time you save a number to the address book of your Android phone it will be synced to your Google Account.
The benefit of this is if you lose your phone all of your numbers will be saved. The next time you get an Android phone and sign in with your Google Account, all of your contacts and friends numbers will be displayed in your new phone’s address book.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How to Boot your Windows XP faster

If I talk about my personal experience, then slow booting of computer is major concern among
 users. No one wants to sit idle for a long time in front of their computer while the
computer get boot up. There are many reasons behind the slow startup of computer and
solving this is very easy to. By doing small changes in your system settings, you can totally enhance your system performance.

  •        Click Start panel and then run. Type msconfig in the box.
  •        Once System Configuration Utility opens, Select startup tab from the top.

  • After selecting startup tab, you will see a list of programs. These are all the programs that automatically start when you boot your Computer. This result in slowing up your computer. Uncheck all the programs that you don’t like to start with booting process. Don’t uncheck your antivirus software.
  •  Restart your computer and see the difference.   

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How to Lock a Folder without using any Software

If you have some sensitive data or data that you do not want to share with anyone, then this Hack may become very useful to you. In Windows, mostly softwares are been used for hiding a folder or locking a folder, but here I am going to do this without using any software. If you want to learn this trick then this will cost you nothing than a few minutes :-

  • Suppose you have a folder named music in drive C: . The path for the folder is  C:\music. For hiding this folder you have to create a text file in same drive and type  
        ren  music music.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

  •   Now save this text file as loc.bat
  •   For Unlocking the folder, create another text file and type in
             ren music.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} music
  •  Save this text file as key.bat
  •  Now you have two batch files loc and key. Double click loc to lock the folder or double click key to unlock the folder. If you lock a folder, it will change into control panel Icon and it works like control panel.   

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How to improve Windows XP Shutdown Speed

Do you have a Computer with low configuration or a system in which you have installed bunch of software’s or programs? I know many of you would think, why I am asking this type of questions! Actually all these things may affect your computer performance and it leaves you with a low computing speed. If you are also feeling yourself a victim of low Computing performance then you may can turn things little bit up with my cool Hack Trick :-

  •  Click on Start panel and run, Type regedit in the box.
  •  Once regedit dialog box opens, select HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Control Panel, Desktop.
  •  After selecting Desktop you will see a list of files in the right hand side. Select WaitToKillAppTimeout from the list and then right click it to Modify.

  •  Once you select Modify, Change the value to 1000 and then click Ok.
  •  Select HungAppTimeout from the list and right click it to Modify. Change the value to 1000. Click Ok
  • Now Select HKEY_USERS, .DEFAULT, Control Panel, Desktop.
  • Once again Select WaitToKillAppTimeout from the list of files. Right click it and select Modify. Change the value to 1000. Click Ok.
  • At last, Navigate for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, System, CurrentControlSet, Control.
  • Select WaitToKillServiceTimeout from the list of files. Right click it to Modify. Change the value to 1000.
  • Click Ok to finish

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Monday, February 21, 2011

How to add your own items to Send To option in context menu

Customizing your Send To menu in context menu is very handy task to do because if you are a user like I am, then most probably you uses this feature rather than normal copy/paste for sending items to Desktop, My documents etc… . By adding items to Send To menu, a user can directly send his files to a particular folder/destination.

  • Open My Computer, then open the drive in which you have your operating system installed, I have had in C.

  • Navigate through Documents and Settings, your user name, and the Send To folder ( Please make sure that Sent To folder is not hidden ).
  •  When you are looking at C:\Documents and Settings\Username\SendTo, you will see all of the files that appear in the Send To menu. If you want to add an entry to the menu, just copy a shortcut to this folder.
  • If you want to add any folder to Send To menu, then simply send that folder to desktop by using Send To option and then cut and paste the shortcut that was created on desktop into the Send To folder.
  • If you ever change your mind and want to remove the items from Send to, then simply delete them from Send To folder.       

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

How to create four Desktops screens in single screen of Windows XP

Creating four Desktops in a single screen or splitting your desktop into four different windows screen is a very tricky  as well as very useful thing to do, if you are a Windows XP user. With the help of this nice Trick, you can enhance your Windows performance and can treat yourself like a Linux user. Only Linux provide the facilities to switch between the desktops for its users. If I frankly speak, then the number of Linux user is not as much large as Windows user. Although, Linux provide a bunch of great features and high security levels to its user, but the main thing with Linux is, it is not user friendly as Windows. A normal computer operate cannot handle a Linux running system because Linux needs commands to do a task ( Like DOS do in Windows ). So, the thing which I want to do is, I want to give a feel of Linux to all my Windows users, who never operated Linux or who do not know how to operate Linux.

  • First, download a copy of the Virtual Desktop Manager from the Windows XP PowerToys Web site, located at  “ “. Install it.
  • After installing the Power Toy, you have to unlock the taskbar so that you can place the Virtual Desktop Manager on it.
  • Once you have unlocked your taskbar, right click the taskbar, in the general location that you want the Virtual Desktop Manager to appear, and select Toolbars and then Desktop Manager.

  • Now you have your Virtual Desktop Manager  on your taskbar, customize it as you want. Customizing background for different desktops can be a good thing to do because after this, you can easily determine which one you are on. To do this, right click the Virtual Desktop toolbar and select Configure Desktop Images.
  • Another feature of Virtual Desktop Manager is shared desktop feature. By using this feature, a user can use the same taskbar in all four different Windows. But, if you disabling it, then you will find a new taskbar for every new Windows.
  • If you are using a Large monitor screen then you may have some problem with its animation because in large Screen it doesn’t work properly. But you can disable it to come out of this problem. To doing this, right click the Virtual Desktop Manager and select Use Animation.

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Friday, February 18, 2011

How to remove the shortcut arrow from icon on the desktop

Creating shortcuts of a file on the desktop or anywhere the user want, is a facility that is provided by Windows for its better user experience. Although this facility is provided by Windows for their user convenience and its saves lots of time for their Users, now user doesn’t have to navigate through programs or any Hard drive files,  if he/she had created a Shortcut for that file. Instead of all this, sometimes the shortcuts Icon looks very odd because of it arrow in the lower left corner. If you feel same that I, then I have a solution for you. The best way to change the shortcut arrow setting is to use the most popular Microsoft Power Toy, Tweak UI.  You can get a copy of this from Power Toys Web page, located at “”.
Follow these steps to remove arrow :-

  • Click the Start Menu and expand all Programs, Power Toys for Windows XP, and then select Tweak UI to open.
  • Expand The Explorer entry and select Shortcut.

  • Now you have four different Shortcut Overlay options. I suggest you try the light arrow options first.    If you don’t like it, click None, to remove the Shortcut arrows.
  • Click Ok to save. And reboot your system.

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How to Rename the Recycle Bin

In Windows, renaming a file is very easy for a user, but when it comes to rename a Recycle Bin, it become very difficult or nearly impossible task for a normal user. The main reason behind this is, windows doesn’t provide any facility related to this. The only way to do this is by hacking through the Registry Editor files. Although, this is also not an easy task for a normal user and specially for those, who doesn’t know anything about Registry Editor. But, I will make it easy for you :-

  •  Click Start and select Run. Type regedit in the box.
  •  Once Registry Editor opens, Expand the HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software, Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion, Explorer, CLSID, and {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} folders.

  • After expanding the last folder, right click Default entry and select Modify.
  • Type the name that you want to give and Click Ok. If you don’t want to give any name or wants to hide Recycle Bin name, then click on spacebar once and click Ok to save.
  •  To see changes please refresh your computer or restart it.

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