
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How to improve Windows XP Shutdown Speed

Do you have a Computer with low configuration or a system in which you have installed bunch of software’s or programs? I know many of you would think, why I am asking this type of questions! Actually all these things may affect your computer performance and it leaves you with a low computing speed. If you are also feeling yourself a victim of low Computing performance then you may can turn things little bit up with my cool Hack Trick :-

  •  Click on Start panel and run, Type regedit in the box.
  •  Once regedit dialog box opens, select HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Control Panel, Desktop.
  •  After selecting Desktop you will see a list of files in the right hand side. Select WaitToKillAppTimeout from the list and then right click it to Modify.

  •  Once you select Modify, Change the value to 1000 and then click Ok.
  •  Select HungAppTimeout from the list and right click it to Modify. Change the value to 1000. Click Ok
  • Now Select HKEY_USERS, .DEFAULT, Control Panel, Desktop.
  • Once again Select WaitToKillAppTimeout from the list of files. Right click it and select Modify. Change the value to 1000. Click Ok.
  • At last, Navigate for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, System, CurrentControlSet, Control.
  • Select WaitToKillServiceTimeout from the list of files. Right click it to Modify. Change the value to 1000.
  • Click Ok to finish

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